Form Components

This login component has .ui-card-default card class, you can use also .width-full class to cover card with full width.

We'll never share your email with anyone else.

Disable & Readonly fields

Add .input class for basic styling to input tags and for checkbox add .input-checkbox same goes for textarea, add .input-textarea class.

To Disable/readonly the inputs first add disable/readonly attributes then add .input-disabled class & to disable button add .disable-btn

Inputs error styling

To add the styles to inputs based on states just add class to inputs based on states, we have 3 states .input-err, input-success, input-warning

Same applies for lable too .lable-text-danger, .label-text-primary, .label-text-success, .label-text-warning


Sliders are available in primary and secondary colors, to use add slider-primary, .slider-danger, slider-dark.