Button Examples

Buttons provide cues for actions and events. These fundamental components allow users to process actions or navigate an experience.

Butttons are available in .primary .success .danger .warning .dark colors.

Buttons with Text Example

Button outline examples

buttons outline changes color on hover, to add outline to buttons use .btn-outline-primary you can use any color instead of primary color.

Large Buttons

to add large buttons add btn-lg class

Small Buttons

to add small buttons add btn-sm class

Button with icons

Icons buttons can be usefull for navbar, and footer section as well as can be used with cards.

Button Icons with Text, they can be on both side right and left.

Button Shapes

Buttons shapes are available in pills format as of now. to add pills in your project add .btn-round-10 & .btn-round-20 for extra round sizes.

Floating Action Button

Check Js and html code for floating button